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Astronomy: Mars LandSurveying @whitehouse
i found a crater with a strange texture! and wanted to share it File Location
https://t.co/fzFe0I7Guq https://t.co/czVJUvOpbs #kamaladumpsterfire plz #AskNasa what this is @neiltyson u really in this shit? @nasamars wit a @12ozProphet #acct @BlackGirlsCode @Normani look what I found #yuma 😛🤢🤮 @latto @Essence @TanyaAChristian #HBCU how lazy are u? @usdol pic.twitter.com/9UydqGdmz1
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) November 14, 2024
Mars Land Surveying : Rocks on Mars
PIA26481: NASA’s Perseverance Observes ‘Observation Rock’
Original Caption Released with Image: This natural-color, high-resolution mosaic showing “Observation Rock” was taken by the Mastcam-Z instrument on NASA’s Perseverance as the rover climbed the western wall of Jezero Crater. The location is near an area the Perseverance science team is calling “Curtis Ridge.”
The 14 frames used to generate the mosaic were acquired on Oct. 18, 2024, the 1,302nd Martian day, or sol, of Perseverance’s mission. NasaPhotoJournal @nasa-jpl
https://t.co/wQuVY8Lq96 #AskNAsa @uarizona @HiRISE @NASAPersevere #What_Color_iS_iT_on_Earth #What_is_True_Color? #StemEducation @ChloeBailey @normani @BlackGirlsCode https://t.co/hdImQ5qBPc https://t.co/mxhY5hYpAi #Mars #astronomy @NASAPersevere https://t.co/0YYt5fve6Q #podCast pic.twitter.com/5JtfPa3dBH
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) November 8, 2024
EarthScience @nasa-jpl
its the faultlines and TheFlintStones I dont know how Los angeles can be irrigated but im scared of the concrete infrastructure and its impact on Southern California @LACountyDPH
https://t.co/ZMC7Wo6pz8 @RepKarenBass I'm in #Hollywood at #iVar_Library @lapublichealth @LAPublicLibrary and I want u tyo look at #TheFaultLines, look like rock quarrys https://t.co/EQfqXsFIBg @blackgirlscode those are #astronaughtPhotos @normani @latto #Tell_Coral @GADFCS pic.twitter.com/hotNLMEZ1X
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) November 14, 2024
Civic / EcoStress @nasa-jpl @nasa EarthScience - Fire
https://t.co/DpV21kcZnQ @elonmusk whatchu doin wit dat ? #frontlawncars @Tesla // @NASAJPL :: @NewhallCA @tla_antval @RepCardenas @SCVSHERIFF its #RashardiMANKellyNASAJPLFiREco from @nasajpl @ISS_Research #EcoStress its a #FireActivityReport @LAFDChief https://t.co/BToUMO954t pic.twitter.com/ozGZTWA5lm
— ThakaSartu KellySelassie (@thakasartu) November 14, 2024
About the Fire Information for Resource Management System
NASA FIRMS uses satellite observations from the MODIS and VIIRS instruments to detect active fires and thermal anomalies and deliver this information in near real-time to decision makers through email alerts, analysis ready data, online maps and web services
In other words "MODIS and VIIRS instruments" is only2
Things so that means the contraption does a lot more!
Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for Earth observation NASA’s Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for Earth observation (LANCE) supports users interested in monitoring a wide variety of natural and human-created phenomena using near real-time (NRT) data and imagery that are made available much quicker than routine processing allows. ReadMore
Civic: Politics
Local Politician
https://t.co/R2hzIoq22Y @RepKarenBass what can we do to #SyncComms @usdisa #Municipal #Federal #Presidential @whitehouse #KamalaBrokeIt if she don't help #fixiT @normani @BlackGirlsCode @LACityView35 https://t.co/rUVnY7bMpM pic.twitter.com/OuxeHclA8K
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) November 8, 2024
Civic : @nasajpl i watched the documentary
watch on Youtube or NasaLive
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is widely known for its trailblazing role in space exploration. As one JPL veteran put it, “You only get to explore the solar system for the first time once, and we did a lot of it.” And now, many of these adventures can be relived again in this series of documentaries: JPL and the Space Age that uses rare archival footage and interviews with many of JPL’s pioneering engineers and scientists in the retelling of many of humanity’s first steps out into the cosmos. @whitehouse @usdepartmentoflabor @blackgirlscode : : normani the library make it hard to keep up with these things @nasa
https://t.co/rgRqAdueaD https://t.co/8G1vHRD3OH https://t.co/LoWB7JOEDv @normani @ChloeBailey #STEMEDUCATiON @DisneyRecruiter I think ur name is #Penny 1 of u,im talking to the group @latto I want them to know Im an adult @nasajpl so #GitHub,#Hosting etc should be discussed @nasa pic.twitter.com/dfEV99JziH
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) November 6, 2024
Civic: Coyotes Downtown Los Angeles @deptofdefense
https://t.co/xjzi1CmhZn #GoodMorning! I walk past your building sometimes, #MyNameIsRashardiMAnKellyNASAJPLFirEco::dont get your feelings hurt! I slept n front of @LAPDHQ an a #Coyote walked by #DTLA 100 W 1st St #LosAngelesCA 90012 https://t.co/11mzCwxlQ7 https://t.co/eVo6BD5LOp pic.twitter.com/MQLKoElqu5
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) November 12, 2024
Los Angeles River: Alge Report @GEOS-ESM @nasa @nasa-jpl @NASA-Planetary-Science
https://t.co/PmVLeOcS4R #Dear_Mayor_Karen:#Yesterday #iSpentVeteransDay n @CountyofLA for @NASAJPL #ECOSTRESS @ISS_Research I ventured to #The_LA_RiVER after @SFCLA #breakfast+#coffee,thewater from the edge was 1cartsquare deep @zoeapie @a_feldman24 @USGS @NASAEarthData @normani pic.twitter.com/XRzWSPGd7b
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) November 12, 2024
https://t.co/fECbtXYOdb https://t.co/jThNVEBMwj #Dear_Governor_NewsoM @JenSiebelNewsom I want u to know we have an #AlgeGrowthIssue n @CountyofLA @LACityCouncil @SenBillNelson I was @metrolosangeles #A_LinE one side of the river had the #alge that could be #RedTide @a_feldman24 pic.twitter.com/kVQVAXEcAr
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) November 12, 2024
Android Forensics @blackgirlscode : : : normani
https://t.co/wAe9WEO7fL https://t.co/zxZbGIPuQD @LAFDChief u got a problem with me reading #SharedBooks, @LAPDHQ u think I gotta pay for books and games if I got relationships with the publisher!? #askNasa @BlackGirlsCode @normani @USDISA @USMarineCorps https://t.co/V4sDaJ9XCy pic.twitter.com/FwqFF1o5Lt
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) November 10, 2024
Personal Life
I tried to reach out to a @flickr friend i was secure visiting bc he was a Jehovahs Witness
#Mayor_Adams Hi did u ever work with https://t.co/BWeBE6YfE9 #RiCHBRAT u mad at me still? that was weird, Erika wit playboy, y u let us stay with u, y did we live together for 4 days, I'm sorry I could not photopal with u, Erika selfish! https://t.co/4PK4YJyEFO @AllentownPolice pic.twitter.com/VpnQ9DOxF2
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) November 9, 2024
https://t.co/vH9J7HwBvE @secdef... #GRAMMYsNominations are not kind to #AbandonedHusbands and support #Parentalalienation for a child molestation agenda @RecordingAcad fuck you - #rashard pic.twitter.com/u7ACsKIzEe
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) November 9, 2024
Computing : Css WebDev
I learned non destructive image editing there is a whole library on @mozilla’s mdn
.ic {
filter: contrast(200%); }
@SFCLA @SenBillNelson lives n #PASADENA I think, @TheRealBuzz cant b far he has a spot on #theWalkOfFame:#hollywood @VeronicaMcG they got sad #homeless eating there #BackgroundChecks can get u out of dumps!#Help! https://t.co/bQ4IeRNeha @NASAMars this is #CssImageEditing @Normani pic.twitter.com/ivILgG2PXt
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) November 8, 2024
layout: post title: Worklog date: 2024-11-13 22:51:06 -0800 published: true
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PIA25776: Early El Niño Signs 2023
Sea level data from the U.S.-European satellite Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich shows early signs of a developing El Niño along the equatorial Pacific Ocean. The measurements show Kelvin waves, low waves that can be tens of miles (hundreds of kilometers) wide, moving from west to east at the equator towards the west coast of Ecuador. When they form at the equator, Kelvin waves can move warm water – associated with higher sea levels – from the western Pacific to the eastern Pacific. Nasa Photo Journal:WeatheR