Black On Both Sides

compiling thoughts

Black On Both Sides

by Mos Def


Europa Clipper Camera Passes First Test in Space

Soon after NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft launched toward Jupiter’s icy moon on Oct. 14, 2024, the mission team powered on each of the science instruments for a series of test or “checkout” activities. The Europa Imaging System – with its narrow-angle and wide-angle cameras – underwent its first checkouts in December 2024.

Each camera has a cover to protect its sensitive detectors from the Sun while the spacecraft moves through the inner solar sys…ReadMORE @nasa-jpl @whitehouse @tesla Europa Clipper Camera Passes First Test in Space

NASA’s Europa Clipper Spacecraft Separates From Falcon Heavy Second Stage

Europa Clipper separates from Falcon Heavy’s Second Stage after deployment

NASA’s Europa Clipper has embarked on its long voyage to Jupiter, where it will investigate Europa, a moon with an enormous subsurface ocean that may have conditions to support life. The spacecraft launched Oct. 14, 2024, from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Europa Clipper Instrument Summaries



AVIRIS-3 L1b Radiance Data Related to California Fires Now Available

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Ci_MESSAGE:NO_STATUS #RelatedTweet @github grep, awk and sed – three VERY useful command-line utilities Matt Probert, Uni of York Sed - An Introduction and Tutorial by Bruce Barnett LapDLiveFeeD Life story Africa

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Parris Island, S.C., barrage balloon -Loc

The impact of COVID19 pandemic and government enforced lockdowns on levels of attendance and context of sexual assaults reported at Saint Marys Sexual Assault Referral Centre


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@blackgirlscode idk if Normani is Kashdoll or They sisters but they / it has been my friend above all an i want her to get an audience that is really into hearing a story like a magazine you pick up. That will protect her from predators. Its a pattern for you all

Summer of ‘67 - how Detroit changed forever in 5 days Detroit Classic - The Rise and Fall of Detroit’s Black Bottom” Kash Doll On Drake, Kendrick Lamar, Chief Keef, Detroit, Men, Relationships & Performs! Kash Doll Opens Up About Home Invasion Involving Shootout With Tracy T Kash Doll Says She Was Robbed of $500,000 Worth of Jewelry Kash Doll Reveals There Were Multiple Arrests Following Attempted Home Robbery - HollywoodUnlocked RAPPER KASH DOLL CLAIMS SHE LOST $500K IN CAR BURGLARY While Shooting Music Vid!!! - TMZ Mar 14, 2018 — To celebrate her birthday, Detroit rapper and rising hip-hop starlet Kash Doll drops a new mixtape entitled Brat Mail

manessa KashDoll

Asian Da Brat · Eskimo Flow

GsG protective JPL Hollywood Security GsG Protective will not let me bring my cart in or take my shoes off. I missed my Lunar Landing press conf! and landing 😵‍💫🫨😵😫😩😣😖

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@nasa @blackgirlscode @nasa-jpl @whitehouse alot of new data an redesign ricothaka an i made NORMANi a page. RashardLEarD is similar to My MarsWorkBlog but im playing with a tile layout im calling Tupperware its actually a CSS FLeXBoX Container. im really overwhelmed right now as the truth unflods on HOT107.9fm ATLATA r


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SevyNSTreetER Sevyn Streeter Perfoms in We Matter Jersey

Philadelphia 76ers national anthem singer Sevyn Streeter: Team canceled over “We Matter” shirt

PHILADELPHIA – Philadelphia 76ers national anthem singer Sevyn Streeter said she was told by the team she could not perform because of her “We Matter” jersey. “I’d say two minutes before we were about to walk out … the organization told me that I could not wear my shirt while singing the national anthem at their game,” the R&B singer said by phone. “I was never given any kind of dress code. I was never asked beforehand to show my wardrobe.” - CBS_NEWS Sevyn Streeter Barred From Singing the National Anthem at an NBA Game Because of Her ‘We Matter’ Jersey 76ers pull national anthem singer who was wearing ‘We Matter’ shirt Sevyn Streeter On 76ers Stopping Her From Wearing “We Matter” Shirt - AudioonYoutubeSevyn Streeter Reflects On Wearing “We Matter” Jersey For National Anthem Performance at 76ers Game Sevyn Streeter’s 76ers National Anthem Performance Canceled Over ‘We Matter’ Shirt, She Says 76ers apologize for canceling ‘We Matter’ anthem singer’s performance Sevyn Streeter’s ‘We Matter’ Jersey Was Too Controversial For The Sixers Sevyn Sings National Anthem at 76ers Game in ‘We Matter’ Jersey

The Sixers declined to say why Streeter’s performance was canceled.

Listen to NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter in Flight

NASA · Listen to NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter in Flight

[Portrait of June Christy, 1947 or 1948]


map or dams to resiovior chlorophyll map ::::2025FEB21-CHLOROPHYLL_REPORT ill make the google earth wrap later

El Niño: A NASA Perspective

Steven Pawson discussed how NASA uses computer models to build up a complete three-dimensional picture of El Niño in the ocean and atmosphere. WATCH



I learned alot about my job. Im for one still being onboarded, they just did intake. I see y they let somethings happen like us living in hotels and moving around. That wasnt stable. Your mom shortsighted so she just riding a scary ass wave that will end in doom if she does not correct her thinking… The lander that you guys names are on, they had an amazing party for you two arriving to the planet MArs. And if Twitter Follow is hurting our family is, there are other families affected by rabbithead. They got mad bc we developed technology at a government level that makes cellphones as we know them connectivity wise, obsolete… Im not a drone or George Jetson but am at the same time bc that is your communities Largest Employer and they know our Arizona world aswell! HiRise the one with the 3d Mars Pics is at the University Of Arizona and thats in Tuscon where me and your mommy had our first apartment.

Mission Control Live: NASA InSight Mars Landing

Coral this is the landing of Insight. I put you an your mom names on, maybe kenyashoals, not her daughters, i was scared of closeness…


Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (CP System II) OST SoundTrack


Pillars of Creation Web Space Telescope 76ers apologize for canceling ‘We Matter’ anthem singer’s performance


Raising Dion | imdb

Dear_KevinRothwell idk whats going on with my life but im living in Los Angeles right now. You fired me. Do you have ties to Netflix because Raising Dion is an embellished copy of my life with Coral! Theres a Gender swap. And she is a graphic designer, those girls from Dance411 know me that way i was hired as an inter webdeveloper probono an its like Willow Smith or Chloe Bailey from Rentpath Graphic Design… Well maybe thats not you yallywood. But I know Gary Powers was into Korean Girls so I dont know your value system. But there is a girl at CNN that i am angry at because I work for nasajpl i just am in a labor dispute after being poisoned thats all. Jeff told me he worked for JPL in the past so I thoughtI was in the right place. Ashley is related to you one way or another. There aer images posted from Curiosity and I was doing research my blog is popular back east and so is CNN. I was doing Geology on Mars and all the places I need to explore are on that map so its not like she stole something i cooked from scratch and im new to the world of research. So to be honest im confused. But Nakesha held me down for sex and i was all ready digging her so its toxic but not in terms of her control over my physical being and mind… She works at Magic City an they out here in Losangeles dancing at a the place from Demi Moore movie sHOWGIRLS I yelled at you to get away from me bc u dont realize you not my daddy, that was nasty an Mike Child a villian in the AJC… Was my termination related to sex with nakeisha? Mike Child

Electronic Gaming Monthly 58 GamePro Issue 049 August 1993 GamePro Issue 056 March 1994 NBAJAM(s)

people are taking over my sessions, i know i was hacked by you and ppl u know b4… but if u trying to keep up with me i have an atom feed how do i see you, im so confused, im scared of getting killed. TTys i hope

Hi Coral, here are some of my notes from my job, i gotta blog about this discovery bc i cant find the pin in the raw files NASA’s Curiosity Rover Discovers a Surprise in a Martian Rock Mars Science Laboratory: Curiosity Raw Images Filtering:Sol: 4245 to 4248 RelatedTweet relatedtweet Mars Science Laboratory: Curiosity Raw Images Filtering:Sol: 4247 to 4248


Horizon of Mars

This image was taken by Chemistry & Camera (ChemCam) onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 4249 (2024-07-19 21:03:02 UTC).

Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars

Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars: Onboard Camera Views

NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance mission captured thrilling footage of its rover landing in Mars’ Jezero Crater on Feb. 18, 2021. The real footage in this video was captured by several cameras that are part of the rover’s entry, descent, and landing suite. The views include a camera looking down from the spacecraft’s descent stage (a kind of rocket-powered jet pack that helps fly the rover to its landing site), a camera on the rover looking up at the descent stage, a camera on the top of the aeroshell (a capsule protecting the rover) looking up at that parachute, and a camera on the bottom of the rover looking down at the Martian surface.

15 Second Clip of Parachute Deployment(MP4) (18.86 MB)

Scientific Visualisation Studio Mars 2020: Perseverance Rover Horizon of Mars Two 2001 images from the Mars Orbiter Camera on NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor orbiter show a dramatic change in the planet’s appearance when haze raised by dust-storm activity in the south became globally distributed. NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS NasaJPL on Youtube

The Global CTX Mosaic of Mars

The Bruce Murray Laboratory for Planetary Visualization has completed a 5.7 terapixel mosaic of the surface of Mars rendered at 5.0 m/px. Each pixel in the mosaic is about the size of a typical parking space, providing unprecedented resolution of the martian surface at the global scale.

We emphasize transparency both in how the mosaic was generated and for users to understand where data in the mosaic come from. We have developed a Python-based pipeline that incorporates non-destructive image processing techniques that preserve all information about the original data that comprise the mosaic and map all seams.. LearnMore

Martian summer : robot arms, cowboy spacemen and my 90 days with the Phoenix Mars Mission A Writer’s ‘Martian Summer’ On Earth Smithsonian book of Mars Mars by Birch, Robin

The Global CTX Mosaic of Mars


Vinroc* & Ed Swift – Audio Animation MixTapedia retail VinRoc

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side b

Vinroc* – Recon-struction

DJ Vinroc Recon-struction Full Mix CD1 side a

matt Bullet With Butterfly Wings CoralChrome


Fat Albert and The Cosby Kids - S5: EP 8 - Soft Core Rudy’s friend, Dustin, gives the gang the wrong information on sex education when he gives them pornographic magazines and shows them dirty movies. Rudy’s mother intervenes and points the boys in the right direction…imdb

Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids - “Soft Core” - 1979

Another bill again-Tony Rebel

Walkman RealTimeNegroSpiritualfromWestAtlanta Coral

The Chemical Brothers - No Geography FULL ALBUM (Japanese Edition) 2019 | Lidvall TECHNO LIVE SET #3 Hey baby if u r curious abt what font im using its Space_Mono. If you want to learn more, Fork The Repo and Study Typography


The Head is the story of Jim, "just a regular guy" who wakes up one day and finds that his cranium has swelled and is now home to Roy, a freaky-looking but amiable purple alien who's been sent here to save the world! The Head is the story of Jim, "just a regular guy" who wakes up one day and finds that his cranium has swelled and is now home to Roy, a freaky-looking but amiable purple alien who's been sent here to save the world! The Head is the story of Jim, "just a regular guy" who wakes up one day and finds that his cranium has swelled and is now home to Roy, a freaky-looking but amiable purple alien who's been sent here to save the world!

Hi Coral,

I got your message, here are some curated hiphop selections i approve of, they will give us middle ground. ilove you . . . dad ~ rashard iman kelly aka thaka aka shaadi NasaJpl_MrO

reddit Xzibit - The Foundation is the second single from Xzibit’s debut album At the Speed of Life and also appeared on the soundtrack to the film Hurricane Streets. Xzibit dedicated this song to his one-year-old

Xecutioners - Mad Flava (Album: X-Pressions) Rebirth Of Slick (Cool Like Dat)

Smif N Wessun - Get Up (Official Music Video)

Digable Planets - Reachin’ (A New Refutation of Time and Space) (1993) FULL ALBUM

Digable Planets - 9th Wonder (Blackitolism)

2000 by Grand Puba

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Rashard aka Thaka aka Shaadi
Santa Monica(Savannah?)
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They Got ME AtlantaBlueBlackLover