Since my family got kidnapped I have had to cope with messages and threats from of the prostitution crews of LOS_ANGELES_and_ATLANTA they all operate here ya know... ##GLOBAL_SEX_SLAVE_TRADE_and_TOURiSM hint hint. The thing now that 2 years nearly have passed... No one talks to me, Im destitute and I get random glimpses of my wives and our chldren on the street. The Main 3 I have spotted in prostitution aka SexSlavery. Ive lived with them SARTU_ERiKA_and_MUNA_aka_MUNi and I know their sexuality they are not prostitutes. I hate getting notices from random creepy people that you are not going to get your family back and may lose your penis. The agression is awful and now that I have lived here a while and know what my wives orgasm patterns look like in the real world... I know whos raping them
IstumbledontothismakinggraphicsforMeandSartusfamilyblog.Ihavelearnedsomemorevideoeditingandalotoftechniquesmememakersusetocommunicate.Gotryit,thathowImakeSartu'sanimatedgifs##FROM_SiTE ~> is a simple online GIF maker and toolset for basic animated GIF editing.Hereyoucancreate,resize,crop,reverse,optimize,andapplysomeeffectstoGIFs.
## DEAR HAYAT and MUNA_aka_Muni
I found a profile for Sartu on pinterst. Its like one of those modeling fan guys who download pics of young women he dont know.
[Jb Smith ::GiRLY_PiC_REPO](
I also found her here,
[Kash Doll & Tracy T Talk Their Relationship, Parenthood, Toxic Traits, The Grind & More | Big Facts]( . Wale made her sing "Single and Happy and she claims me outdoors all day long... They are controlling her image online and molesting her behind closed doors The prostitution community phrasing things like she is not married to me via the internet and as we all know the social media companies have all blocked me and many of my women and children have lost their user accounts mysteriously recently on pinterest. Those IT_DEV_GUYS_WITH_CATS have secrets sometimes, and prostitution affects that population in a different way than other office populations... There is little to no accountability for your websurfing if you work in engineering and they get seduced by prostitution and pedophillia.
GottaGetUp(AnotherDay)LyricsIdon't want to go to work today
I 'dratherstayhomeandplayVideogames-home,chillButIgottagetupIgottagottagottagottagottagottagottagottagottagetupGetup
Dear Sartu, I hope the others are safe that were kidnapped. Im really scared. The assasins sit close now. One sign is if you see them put their CoronaBandana or those full face covering surgical mask on with sunglasses. They make a lot of money selling organs. But the thing that scares me is the penis cutting... I saw a man at the Hollywood block party where we crossed paths. Zendaya was there I wonder if she saw. Taylor may have seen too... I could not talk to them because of those nasty ass pimps... One that look like Pirates of the Caribbean sat next to me and did his best to get in with me... Much like Matt Field. Like romeo im workin the feild. The MontePiMPS will not kill me if I follow every instruction from JPL check out Thewebsite, thats my job. Im not a volunteer, I cant have money because Im already a target for getting my genetailia and heart stolen and Its so much less risk to simply live outside and use availible resources to stay alive... I feel like its still burning man, and Im really ready to rest
Sartu, thank you for you daily love and spousal support. Im listening to [Prepared, by Jill Scott]. Thats some link to a SoundCloud bedroom DJs remix, so find it on her 2015 album Woman. The entire album is a good listen. Thank you verifying our telepathy. I will hold my position as the rackateering sex trafficking community is brought to justice. I cant wait to get married bro. I love you so much. It was super grounding when I got to look at you in your Jordans mispaird with a tight cuffed capri where you turned your head and exlaimed "That's my husband!!" I hope you dont feel guilty about porn... After your kidnapping you had to maintain life and entertain to keep from getting your heart sliced out by those organ harvesting pimps and porno directors. Its the soul that repairs the flesh. We had so many expectations romantically since neither of us has ever had a faithful in intimate matters significant others. Our friends even support us... But porn and human trafficking communities are criminal juggernauts and when they force you to do things you dont want to do like take a walk or visit your husband you cant. Your body is so wound up from brothel living, that penetration is sometimes a relief even during systematic rape and you know I can feel everything... When they prostituted you and Muna at Burningman, I wailed at the silver couple statue for for an hour or more 3 days in a row... Im devastated... I want my wife back. Ishmel ahmed married the three of us and Erika and I were married in Alameda county. After daniell... Im tired, Ill write you later, check out These vocals and bassline
Dear Diversity in Tech I am currently serving as a federal volunteer to get my family out of sex trafficking and I am robbed of opportunities to use the internet. The library system in Los Angeles has been very unsupportive, hovever Long Beach has givin me tools to maintain my webpresence here on ##GiTHUB but I am restricted to time limits and hand out computers with custom excluded search results. The social media companies locked me out so the could help the prostitution community molest my family. The prostitution community of Los Angeles is verified telepathic, and if you are a family member of a kidnapped sex slave used on ThePornoWeb the mob steals your electronics and bans you from the library in little ways, like I got put out for "body odor" by a guy who purchased my wife at a brothel in ##LiTTLE_TOKYO... They call it blackballing, its highly illegal
A simple column layout using CSS3 columns. Started from, but some issues fixed. Works in FF, Chrome, but not IE9.
The Ethiopian wolf, Africa’s only wolf species, is under threat.
The Ethiopian wolf is the rarest and most endangered canid in the world — with only about 450 individuals remaining. They are restricted to seven isolated mountain enclaves in the highlands, and the two remaining strongholds for this iconic species occur in Bale Mountains National Park and Simien Mountains National Park.
Main post content... lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Corporis, repellat molestiae iure repudiandae explicabo labore harum eum recusandae a voluptatibus nesciunt qui commodi magnam, quaerat quis fuga veritatis molestias esse.
SartuS bizarre and nearly deadly affair with Travis, left me without anything to access the internet and the cyberbullying from the social media companies has turned hundreds possibly thousands into “KEEP##THAKA_OFF_THE_INTERNET##ZOMBiES”! Im in the mood for this classic. Maybe I can get some studiotime with your dad someday as his DJ.
Then understand that commercial sex, in all its forms, is a deeply exploitative industry and that human bodies are not merchandise.</p>
The Abolition Model
We must adopt the Abolition Model of law (also called the Equality Model or Nordic Model) to reduce demand by punishing sex buyers—NOT those who are sold for sex. It offers protection and social services to those being sold, as well.
This approach dramatically reduces demand for prostitution and puts pimps and traffickers out of business. Stopping the demand is the key to abolition.
Marriage is one of the most important rituals in Oromo culture. The custom of marriage differs in various parts of the world and every civilization produces a marriage pattern appropriate to itself (Ludlow, 1965, cited in Gemechu & Assefa., 2006). Among the Oromo society also the type, name and ceremonies differ to some degree from place to place. Generally, there are three types of marriage among the Oormo.
Brief piece by Tigist Geme*.
Marriage is one of the most important rituals in Oromo culture. The custom of marriage differs in various parts of the world and every civilization produces a marriage pattern appropriate to itself (Ludlow, 1965, cited in Gemechu & Assefa., 2006). Among the Oromo society also the type, name and ceremonies differ to some degree from place to place. Generally, there are three types of marriage among the Oromo.
a) Formal marriage
This type of marriage has different names in different parts of Oromia: ‘kadhaa’ (Nuro,1989), or fuudha baal-tokkee (Hussen 2000) around Arsi, ‘cida’ (Lemmesa, 2007) around Showa, and ‘Naqataa’ (Gemetchu & Assefa, 2006) in Wallaga. ‘Kadhaa’ or ‘naqataa’ is the most typical and prevalent form of marriage where the ceremony starts at the moment when marriage is first thought of and even continues after the marriage is concluded (Gemetchu & Assefa, 2006).
Traditionally, it is arranged by family and before the match takes place, they make sure that the girl’s family does not have members who are lepers, chawa-clan, crafts men such as tanner, potter etc. The groom’s parents research back seven generations to make sure that the families are not related by blood, to avoid haraamuu or incest taboo. Once this has been done, the boy’s parents then make contact with the girl’s parents through a mediator. The girl’s parents often impose conditions and the mediator will take the message to the boys parents. When the parents have reached an agreement, the man and woman get engaged (betrothed). The parent then set a wedding date and they meet all the wedding expenses (Nuro,1989, Gemechu & Assefa 2006).
b) Informal Marriage
i) Hawwii
According to Gemechu & Assefa (2006), this mode of marriage occurs when the boy happens to remain qeerroo (bachelor) for several reasons. Either because he is not handsome, or he is from a family of low social status, and therefore cannot pay the dowry. The boy has no consent of the family of the girl to wait long and to meet the financial and social demands of the girl’s parents. Sometimes, the girl’s mother is involved in arranging marriage of her daughter through hawwee. It is common among poor people. Youngsters resort to this kind of marriage after a lot of period of courtship that the boy approaches whom he thinks can keep secret to act on a go-between. There are places where the boy and the girl with their company can mostly wait each other. She signs an agreement saying that she was not taken against her will and she will be taken to one of the boy’s relatives until his parent prepares feast for marriage (Gemechu & Assefa2006, Nuro,1989), and that her parents are solemnly informed about her safety by elders.
ii) Buttaa/Butii
This type of marriage takes of the following two forms. The first is when the girl has consented she is induced to be abducted. The second is accomplished by compulsion without any prior knowledge of the abduction (unlike the first form) on the part of the girl (Gemechu & Assefa, 2006).
As Gemechu and Assefa point it out in their co-authored article on the Western Macca Oromo Marriage Style, marriage by abduction is taken as option when:
1) a boy falls in love and she is not aware at all.
2) a girl’s parent is affriad that their daoughter might agree to the proposed marriage,they consprice with the would be husband to take her by force.
3) a girl’s parent are unwilling to agree to the proposed marriage, abduction would be resorted by boy’s family to show that they have a power to take her by force evenif her parents refused (Gemechu & Assefa, 2006; Nuro, 1989).
This informal marriage was also observable among the Salale before the government intervention and the customary law became renewed in a way committed to preserving women’s right and security.
iii) Aseennaa
This type of marriage employs peaceful, but cunning means. According to Nuro (1989), when a girl could not get anybody who seeks her hand in marriage because she may be an ugly or her parent has an evil eye “as said to be” by the society, she chooses anyone whom she thinks would marry her. And she directly goes to his parent’s house. Gemechu & Assefa (2006) also explained that, for a women to remain unmarried into her twenties is incomprehensible, though, she must go beyond herself, called aseennaa. Therefore, when a girl is left unmarried or when her father wants to give her to some one whom she does not like, she chooses unmarried young man and runs a way to his house withought the knoweledge of the man mostly in the evening.
iv) Conditional marriage
This type of marriage depends on the occurrence of certain incidents.
a) Dhaala
Dhaala is a type of marriage between a women and a brother of a deceased husband or levirate (Gemechu & Assefa 2006). Among such a patrilineal community where marriage secures children to perpetuate the father’s line, it is usual for widow to be inherited by a brother of a deceased husband (Nuro,1989).
b) Mambeeto (manbeeto)
Its conditionality is the death of one’s wife. The younger sister or relative of the late wife would be given to the widower as soon as the first wife dies (Nuro, 1989). It is known as manbeeto or mambeeto among Arsi. Among the Oromo of Tulama and Macca it is known as hirpha, literally, to ‘compensate’.
*Tigist Geme is formerly a lecturer at Addis Ababa University. This article is an excerpt from her thesis titled “Themes and Patterns of Traditional Oromo Marriage Counseling” </p>
Rape is one of the most serious felony offenses that a person can be charged with in California. Rape is a criminal offense under California Penal Code Section 261 PC and involves nonconsensual sexual intercourse by means of threats, force or fraud. Rape under California Penal Code Section 261 PC requires that that defendant is not married to the victim. However, it is still illegal to rape a spouse under California Penal Code Section 262 PC and that offense carries the same elements and penalties as non-spousal rape.
The crime of rape contains the following elements, all of which must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt:
The defendant had sexual intercourse with a woman (or man).
They were not married at the time of the intercourse.
The other party did not consent to the intercourse.
The defendant accomplished the intercourse by using one or more of the following
Fear of immediate bodily injury (to the victim or someone else)
Threat of future retaliation
Threatening to use the authority of a public office to incarcerate, arrest or deport someone.
Sexual intercourse means any penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or genitalia by a penis.
To consent a person must act freely and voluntarily and know the nature of the act. A person who initially consents to an act of intercourse may change his or her mind during the act. If the victim does so the act of intercourse then becomes nonconsensual if:
The victim communicated to the defendant that he or she objected to the act of intercourse and attempted to stop the act
The victim communicated the objection through words or acts that a reasonable person would have understood as showing a lack of consent
AND the defendant forcibly continued the act of intercourse despite the objection.
A person will be deemed unable to give consent if they are too intoxicated to give consent, if they are unable to consent due to a mental or physical incapacity that the defendant was aware of, and if he or she was asleep or unconscious.
2. Examples
A woman goes to a psychiatrist for treatment for depression. The psychiatrist convinces that woman that the only thing that will cure her condition is sexual intercourse with him. The psychiatrist could be prosecuted for rape by means of fraud, as he fraudulently convinced the victim that the sexual act was for a professional purpose.
The defendant would not guilty of rape if he actually and reasonably believed that the person consented to the intercourse. Consent can often be a tricky issue that can be open to a number of reasonable interpretations.
In addition, this is an area in which a victim may bring false accusations in order to get a defendant in trouble. The crime of rape will often leave no evidence and thus must often rely solely on the testimony of the alleged victim.
5. Penalties
Rape is a felony offense that can be punished by up to eight years in prison. In addition, there could be an additional three to five years in prison if the victim sustains great bodily injury or a possible strike under California’s Three Strikes Law. If the victim is a minor under 18, the defendant can be sentenced to up to 11 years in prison, and if the victim is under 14, the prison sentence would increase to 13 years.
Additionally a conviction for rape would trigger a lifetime sex offender registration requirement.
6. Criminal Defense for Rape Cases
Rape is a very serious felony that can result in lengthy prison sentences if convicted. As a result, it is crucial that you consult with an experienced Los Angeles criminal defense attorney if you or a loved one have been accused of this crime. As a former Deputy District Attorney with over 14 years of prosecutorial experience, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Michael Kraut is highly experienced at handling serious, felony-level sex offenses. Mr. Kraut understands the sensitive nature of these types of charges and works with his clients to ensure the absolute best defense possible.
For more information about rape offenses, and to schedule your free consultation, contact Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Michael Kraut at the Kraut Law Group located at 6255 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 1520, Los Angeles, CA 90028. Mr. Kraut can be reached 24/7 at 888-334-6344 or 323-464-6453.
DEAR_SARTU here are some OS_OPTiONS, I like enlightement E17
Compiz-like effects in Enlightenment 17
I want a Macintosh for a lot of SHIT!! BUT I think we will do better as
if you have
USB_STiCKS. When I can save up enough change Im gonna get a thinkpad replacement and run
ENLiGHTENMENT. I cant make a clear argument here but I want you to keep your head productive
,WATCH_THiS there are not many videos on this platform. Those pimps are not smart and I pray they dont kill you. The rapes are bade enough. Remember the Chair rapes in VENiCE, and those sidewalk rapes. THIS_PLACE… We going to be ok, I will wait for you forever ok. You are not alone. I am still your husband, and only my penis can heal you. I miss our old webseries on iNSTAGRAM that moved to Facebook, then LiNKEDiN, then Facebook… They all hid your prostitution fueled
gangrapes since their employees were buying you from sex traffickers. Its happening in a lot of places, I remember the johns of Venice laughed at you not remembering that they hit it as they menaced me on the boardwalk
echo "An international research team develops a way to say “hello” with your mind"
Dash R.I.P. by Refa1
I rocked this Burner(Freestyle)...for a lil' homie who was Murdered (2005) by the gang drama in Oakland. His Name was "Dash"DK-crew. This Kid was a young 16 yr old aspiring Writer/Artist Who's life was stolen by the ignorance of the white power mind- control media. That same media which possesses the latino gangs of Oakland through self hatred. I felt that it was necessary to give him a royal burial because his potential was cut one knows what this young man could've been. When we as a community don't take responsibility for our children and each other, we are cutting our futures short. Our potential is to be living free and moving in harmony with the universe. This slave system is working to murder and steal our future,we can not allow that to take place. Stand up for your people, Love them, Respect them and defend our future. Lil' Dash's spirit lives on... Rest in Power young warrior, be one with the Sun.
-Refa TNS ...East Side Oakland
Explanation: Look at the Moon
every night and its visible sunlit portion gradually changes.
In phases progressing
from New Moon to Full Moon to New Moon again,
a lunar cycle or lunation is completed in about 29.5 days.
Top left to bottom right, these frames show the range of
lunar phases for 25 consecutive nights beginning on January 18,
following an
complete lunation.
They skip the 2 days just after and 2 days before
New Moon,
when the lunar phase is at best a narrow crescent, close to the Sun
and really hard to see.
Of course, mostly clear Arizona night skies and a little help from
a friend were required to complete this lunar cycle project,
imaging in early evening for the first half and
late evening and early morning for the second half of the lunation.
For extra credit, the cycle was centered on the Full Moon of January 31.
That was the second Full Moon in January, when the Moon was near lunar
orbit perigee and took on reddish hues during a
total lunar eclipse.
Explanation: Observe the Moon each night and
its visible sunlit portion will gradually change.
In phases progressing
from New Moon to Full Moon to New Moon again, a lunar cycle or
synodic month
is completed in about 29.5 days.
They look full, but top left to bottom right these panels do
show the range of lunar phases for a complete
synodic month during August 2019
from Ragusa, Sicily, Italy, planet Earth.
For this lunar cycle project the panels organize
images of the lunar phases in pairs.
Each individual image is paired with another image separated by
about 15 days, or approximately half a synodic month.
As a result the opposite sunlit portions complete the
lunar disk and the shadow line at the boundary of lunar night and day, the
terminator, steadily marches across the Moon's
familiar nearside.
For extra credit, what lunar phase would you pair with the Moon tonight?
An Unexpected Aurora over Norway Image Credit & Copyright: Tommy Richardsen
Sometimes the sky lights up unexpectedly.
A trip to northern Norway to photograph
auroras was not going as well as hoped.
It was now past midnight in
Troms, in northern
Norway, and the date was 2014 February 8.
recent activity on the Sun, the skies were
Therefore, the astrophotographer began packing up to go.
His brother began searching for a missing lens cap.
When the sky suddenly exploded with
spectacular aurora.
Reacting quickly,
a sequence detailing dramatic
green curtains was captured,
with the bright Moon near the image center, and the lens-cap seeking brother on the far right.
The auroral flare lasted only a few minutes,
but the memory of this event, the photographer speculates, will last much longer.
Desolate, alone, tearfully searching, suddenly blinded by a tall dark and dreadlocked beauty. She painted a perfect picture around a perfect face and frame. She didn't bother to learn about his past cause she's caught up in this moment of visual bliss.
She took him in knowing fully well that she's not the only flower he's sippin nectar from. She's misguided by her mixed up illusions of love. Either she's watched too many fake ass love/drama movies, read too many romance novels, watched her parents in a disfunctional relationship spiraling down hill (thinking that's just how it is), or she just doesn't know what a real man is.
When the two of them make love (have sex), her mind is blown into the clouds, she returns to Atlantis, her spirit uplifted. Ready she is to plan their future garden, ignoring the weeds mixed in with the seed.
He drops hints of annoyance, never goes out of his way any more for her cause she's caught. Another fish in his sea. So she gives him space thinking absense makes the heart grow fonder. If you let someone go, and then they return, they belong to you, right?
Late at night her fingers wonder over the buttons on the phone, dialing his number, wanting some of what she's been missing some of his good "love".
He answers and quickly agrees at this late hour to come and give her a dosed of his medicine so that she may dream lovely dream. She no longer tossing and turning in bed. Twenty five minutes is all he needs and he will be there. Preperation begins. Mad dash to shower, shave (its winter so legs sometimes are forgotten with out the sun), light candles and incense, sheets fresh, madina oil dabed in all the right places, for this "her man" that is on his way.
He KNOWS it's just sex, "we just kicking it, just chillin, connnecting even", he thinks in his head as he drives to her house. He imagines the hurting he's gonna put on her, giving her what she wants, right?
On the other end she's confusing and equating the feeling she gets when he's inside of her, the movement his body makes in sync with her's, the sweet and soft kisses of passion (lust), the eagerness of his return to her temple, with L-O-V-E.
Who is wrong in this situation, her assumptions or his free mind state? No boundaries were set, no plan. Many women fall into this catagory of believing love and sex go hand in hand. While Men, if not told directly what the intent is, will think nothing of having sex without commitment. The answer to all of this I believe is communication in the very begging, and waiting to explore the sexual realms of each other. Spirituallity should be the basis for all relationships, but as of right now 8 out of 10 times it's sex, in my researched, experienced opinion.
Lets start listening as well as speaking our hearts, instead of painting false pictures of clear situations. Love yourself and your divine mate will apear before your eyes, with no searching involved. But you must me ready physically, mentally, culturally, and spiritually.
The Supremes – I Hear A Symphony
Label: Motown – M5-147V1
From DiSCOGS, the free encyclopedia
Vinyl, LP, Album, Reissue
Country: US
Released: 1981
Genre: Funk / Soul, Pop
Style: Rhythm & Blues, Soul
A1 Stranger In Paradise
Composed By [Music] – Alexander Borodin
Written-By – George Forrest, Robert Craig Wright
A2 Yesterday
Producer – Norman Whitfield
Written-By – Lennon-McCartney
A3 I Hear A Symphony
Written-By – Holland-Dozier-Holland
A4 Unchained Melody
Written-By – Alex North, Hy Zaret
A5 With A Song In My Heart
Written-By – Rodgers & Hart
A6 Without A Song
Written-By – Billy Rose, Edward Eliscu, Vincent Youmans
B1 My World Is Empty Without You
Written-By – Holland-Dozier-Holland
B2 A Lover's Concerto
Written-By – Denny Randell, Sandy Linzer
B3 Any Girl In Love (Knows What I'm Going Through)
Written-By – Holland-Dozier-Holland
B4 Wonderful, Wonderful
Written-By – Ben Raleigh, Sherman Edwards
B5 Everything Is Good About You
Written-By – Edward Holland, Jr., James Dean (3)
B6 He's All I Got
Written-By – Holland-Dozier-Holland
Backing Vocals – Florence Ballard, Mary Wilson
Lead Vocals – Diana Ross
Producer – Holland & Dozier (tracks: A1, A3 to B6)
"1st pressings" of this release are “MM 643 Mono” or MS 643 Stereo”, they have a full color front artwork with no border only a top white banner with Stereo text. Back cover states copyright 1966 in lower left corner.
Reissues have copyright 1966 info in middle of back panel and have full front framing white border with Stereo in text on top.
I might sell my art once Travis and Kendrick stop bootlegging it. I am in my own videos
## Who_iS_UsiNG_MY_ART_WORK__I_NEVER_POSTED_THiS_TO_ViMEO(or_edited_it!!!)
### Original_FrOM_YOU_TUBE_Below VVV!! THAT one above ^^^^ is edited!
### DATE_iN_FOR_BLOG_iN_RUBY_BROKEN_RN_(syntax_issues_in_Jekyll)
Im experimenting with some code i found in the [Learn Ruby Documentation]( To show users the current date. I dont post daily because I own no computer or cellphone, and there is no internet access for patrons of my homeless recoupe center so I cant make time commitments to the blog at this point... However just seeing the date is a little user interaction that lets people know that something is changing... If time is moving, Im progressing offline in someway even if there are no posts. Posting is personal, thanks fo checkin' on me tho. I was scared for a few days that I was being sabatoged again after #MATT_LETRS_FiELD and #ERiKA_MUNA_CORAL_and_SARTUs_KiDNAP_POSSE destroyed me on the social web... My my video links appeared broken at [Best Buy in PalmDale]( When I got to the library all was well. Sometimes network filtering changes what we see... Im going to move to permalinks to see if that changes the results. Its important for all sharing information to see the same thing!
# import date libraryrequire'date'date=Date.todayputsdate
# import date library
require 'date'
date =
puts date
# Tuesday, NOVEMBER 23rd, 2021
### PalmdaleVibesTonight
<imgsrc=""width="600"height="337"style="width: 600px; height: 337px;"alt="Sample image of a turtle riding on top of an alligator that is swimming in the water - scaled to 600 x 337."/><!-- ##CODE_TAKEN_CAUSE_DiGiTAL_OCEAN_HELPS_PEOPLE ## -->
# Im working on CSS
Since I'm publishing using [##GiTHUB_PAGES](, alot of administration needs are met from my [GiTHUB_ACCOUNT](, I can focus on coding. [Cascading Style Sheets is a legit programming language for the browser]( Using the site David Shea Started, I can get this Jekyll account to another level. I really need this book [The Zen of CSS]( he published. I have to create navigation to my resume and create a contact page. Im using [GiTHUB Repositories]( to manage individual pages right now because it is a small site and I want [psychological separation]( which social media does not provide. I was blackballed on Linkedin for just not knowing enough for my age, and my family+romance life. Every woman that committed to me was sold into sex slavery and kidnapped by ##INSTAGRAM_PiMPS_and_MARKETED_iN_FACEBOOK_BROTHELS. They are still trafficked as prostitutes. IT people in the DEVOPS generation often fool themselves into thinking prostitution is normal and the family which is affected is the problem. This view has left people with familes discriminated against in the ##IT_MARKETPLACE, but here in Los Angeles after 2 years of homelessness, I sense my luck changing... So Im working hard to clean up my image and reputation outside social media, which has brought me closer to my family ##I_FOUND_EVERYONE_ALiVE_HERE_IN_SOUTHER_CALIFORNIA.\
I miss my friend, the explosive barritone lows of his voice coupled with cruck ass beat production will be missed dearly, I hope this wiki iframe does not break scrolling on cellphones. I cant test touch screens at this point from [Palmdale Public Library's]( traditional [Optiplex desktops](
[Memphis police release photos of 2 suspects wanted over Young Dolph's shooting death](
Sartu's bizarre and nearly deadly affair with Travis, left me without anything to access the internet and the cyberbullying from the social media companies has turned hundreds possibly thousands into "KEEP##THAKA_OFF_THE_INTERNET##ZOMBiES"! Im in the mood for this classic. Maybe I can get some studiotime with your dad someday as his DJ.
# SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH, 2021 { The Date is actually about 4 days prior }
Super advance duet song... LEvels up ##RUnDMCs_PETER_PiPER
## RAPSODY = " Ibtihaj ft. D'Angelo, GZA "
## 42_DUGG = "YOU_DA_ONE"
style="width:1000px; height:300px; border: 50px solid black;"/* This_Article_helped used to be a domain for spirituality but the Neo_Nazi anti-spirituality movement ##FLUSHED_US_OWT */
Its been 774 days since I have seen our daughter ##CORAL_IRIS_KELLY##SELASSIE ~>
Her mother Erika Renee Kelly was kidnapped from ##EAST_ATLANTA##GEORGiA on Feb 2,2020. A local Atlanta man named Matt Field bragged about it on Facebook stating "I_SOLD_HER".
I found her near Venice beach California and my tattooist Kennie_Davis of ##Jolly_Roger_Tattoo in _Stockbridge#Georgia was not too far from the scene. Erika and I were not estranged when she disappeared as [ESSENCE_MAGAZiNE_STATED]( we were coparenting. I was laid off from my IT job at [Ionic Security]( after my work was repeatedly sabotaged by my manager. I opened a case with ##Fulton_County_Family_Services two months before our eviction from our ##East_Atlanta_Home_at_631_Moreland_Ave_in_Atlanta_Georgia they failed to process us after repeated visits and calls. I took odd jobs and even scored a mural gig with [Mercedes_BenZ_Stadium]( for the [Atlanta_Falcons]( They paid me $1500 for a 40ft graffiti mural on red canvas for former athlete ##Deion_Sanders. I was severely underpaid but it covered the rent for one more month. I moved in with Constancia and her daughter ##Akeeva, got Coral in school at [Chapel Hill Elementary]( and worked hard to get a new 9-5.
Constancia did not like me or Coral living with her and Akeeva so they undercut me with accusations of erratic behavior and started thier own dfacs case accusing me of schizophrenia. I had no income and was repeatedly denied foodstamps and welfare by a woman named ##DANIELLE_MASHONGA_and_her_colleage##MANESSA_WARNER... ##Coral would ask </p>
I told her that Matt stole and raped her and she needs our help, so we have to keep looking. Constancia and Akeeva constantly defended Matt. He is a known pedophile and child and adult rapist in the Atlanta art community. I did not know this. We shopped at the same record store and he often offered me work. I loath rapist. I loath pedophilia. Once I learned of his ways I distanced myself. So ##Erikas_mother_and_sisters_DEFENDING_HIM, struck me as bizarre. "##Its_just_a_white_boy_joke##He_didnt_sell_her". [DFACS]( stalked me on Facebook and indirectly accused me of ##CHILD_MOLESTATION for a video where we were playing with a wand style muscle massager, it was innocent. They [forcibly removed Coral]( saying that I was saying ["inappropriate things"]( and violating her by saying that her mom had been raped and kidnapped. I learned that telling Coral the ugly truth was the best way to keep a solid trust filled relationship with her.
In the DFACS meeting, puzzled I told Mashonga the truth, I cant find work, my reputation was being sabotaged and I could not even get a job at ##Kroger the local grocery store. I told Mashonga I needed money for food, Constancia would not feed niether me or Coral. I asked Mashonga in [This_Family_Meeting]( if she cared about me dying on the street and she shook her head, no. I was never interviewed with Coral at all, I never got a psych eval until I got to a ##UCLA_Recoup_Center_in_PalmDale_California.
In early October I saw Coral, in Pasadena, ##California, with a grown man wearing fishnet stockings... Shes 9. I was shot with a poison dart one day later, my skateboard stolen and my foot began to swell larger that a shoe could fit... I was rushed to the emergency room and ##UCLA ##Cut_my_foot_to_the_bone_to_drain_the_infection... I cant run any more and am now handicapped
## I_HAVE_HEALED to the point of skating via my familys physical-therapy regimine to keep us healthy as dancers. But my toe on the foot that endured the injury still does not work properly and I now struggle to run
### Why did'nt the whole building go down?
[I found out about it in the book The New York Times Page One: Major Events 1900-1998 As Presented in the New York Times Hardcover](
[Original article](
## Everything should be done in love.
### - 1 Corinthians 16:14

[CSS Hovers and Rollovers](
[Law – Unreleased Jungle Selection](
[DJ SHARPEY presents, Route Into Darkness - Jungle DNB Mix | 1994 1995 | Vinyl Only](
[1994 - 2004 Jungle / Drum & Bass Old Skool Mix (Mickey Beam)]( />
The Father And His Son :: Aesop's Fables The Father And His Son :: Aesop's Fables
Caught Up (Millie Jackson album)
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Caught Up
Studio album by Millie Jackson
Released 1974
Recorded 1973-1974
Studio Muscle Shoals Sound Studio, Sheffield, Alabama
Criteria Studios, Miami, Florida
Genre Deep soul
Length 35:59
Label Spring
Producer Brad Shapiro
Millie Jackson chronology
I Got To Try It One Time
(1974) Caught Up
(1974) Still Caught Up
Professional ratings
Review scores
Source Rating
Allmusic [1]
Christgau's Record Guide A–[2]
Caught Up is the fourth album by R&B musician Millie Jackson. It includes the hit singles, "(If Loving You Is Wrong) I Don't Want to Be Right", "The Rap" and "I'm Through Trying to Prove My Love to You." A concept album, Caught Up follows the story of a woman having an affair with a married man. Side A features Jackson singing from the mistress' point of view and Side B is told from the wife's point of view.
Track listing
Side A
"(If Loving You Is Wrong) I Don't Want to Be Right" (Homer Banks, Carl Hampton, Raymond Jackson) – 3:56
"The Rap" (Millie Jackson) – 5:53
"(If Loving You Is Wrong) I Don't Want to Be Right (Reprise)" (Homer Banks, Carl Hampton, Raymond Jackson) - 1:13
"All I Want is a Fighting Chance" (Millie Jackson, King Sterling) – 2:37
"I'm Tired of Hiding" (Phillip Mitchell, Billy Clements) – 3:51
Side B
"It's All Over but the Shouting" (Millie Jackson, King Sterling) – 2:51
"So Easy Going, So Hard Coming Back" (Phillip Mitchell) – 4:07
"I'm Through Trying to Prove My Love to You" (Bobby Womack) – 5:48
"Summer (The First Time)" (Bobby Goldsboro) – 5:43
Millie Jackson - vocals, concept
Barry Beckett - keyboards
David Hood - bass
Roger Hawkins - drums
Jimmy Johnson - guitar
Mike Lewis - orchestration
Tom Roady, Brad Shapiro - percussion
David Wiseltier - cover design
In 1969, when James Brown was getting down with his big hit "Get on the Good Foot" the big dance style of the day appeared. This almost acrobatic dance became rather well known around New York City: kids in New York were doing the Good Foot - better known as B-Boy(the 'B' in b-boy usually doesn't correspond to a specific word, but most likely means "Boogaloo" or "Break") - which was the direct precursor to the sort of breakdancing we know today. As for origins it was the African people's dance culture which brought the heavy rhythm and the idea of dancing in a circle, but it was definitely a variety of influences that made up early B-Boying including gymnastics, Eastern martial arts, tap dance, Salsa, Afro-Cuban and Native American dances. One of the most influential dances was a South American martial arts/fighting dance known as the Capoeira.
By the time the Good Foot became the new dance style, the tradition of dance battle was well established. Dancers would gather at places like Harlem World on 116th Street in Harlem and Battle-dancewise. Battles are covered in more detail in the section on battles, challenges, and contests, but the important thing is that Breakdancing was particularly well-suited for competition and it appealed to certain young men who were very athletic.
The Good Foot, which was soon to be called B-Boy and shortly after that Breakdancing, or Breaking, was very different from the Breaking we see today. In some ways it was simpler. There were no headspins, no windmill, no handglides or backspins. It was what is now called old-style Breaking. It consisted only of floor work, involved some extremely complicated leg moves done very fast and in a way it was more complex than modern Breaking.
Among those for whom old-style breaking was especially popular were many of the youths and street gangs that roamed the South Bronx. And it was in those streets that Breakdancing really started. Often, the best Breakers in opposing gangs would battle dancewise instead of fighting. A breakdancing battle is when dancers 'fight' against each other on the dance floor without contact. They form a circle and take turns trying to show each other up through better style, more complex move combinations, or tougher moves. Unfortunately, these Breaking battles did not always stop fight. In fact, they often would cause a fight, since dancers would sometimes get physical when they couldn't win dancewise. Some of these crews became very dedicated to their dancing, and since they had nothing better to do, would spend hours a day practicing, developing more and more complex moves, improving their form, and increasing their speed.
And then Afrika Bambaataa came along - the legendary grand master D.J. who is the individual most responsible for the successful growth of Breakdancing as he saw a great potential in it. He started one of the first Breakdance crews, the Zulu Kings that won a lot of battles and talent shows and preformed in various clubs in New York. Old-style Breaking became past when based on the hit record "Freak Out" by the Shieks around 1979 and early 1980 a new Breakdance crew was organized - Rock Steady Crew (all original members were from Zulu Nation). They became famous doing dancing in clubs thanks to Bambaataa who encouraged them. Generally, a common feature of bboy music is the presence of a break which is looped several times by the dj.
These were the days when "hip-hop culture" emerged: along with DJing, these "breakbeats" laid the foundation for the two more elements - MCing and B-Boying. It became the MC's (Master of Ceremony) job to amuse, excite, and motivate the crowd to dance over the breakbeats. B-Boys were the ones who would dance or "freak out," "bust moves," and "go-off" on the dancefloor with their steps and freezes. These three elements along with graffiti art or writing are what make up the hip hop culture.
In the 1980s, with the help of pop culture and MTV, breakdancing made its way from the suburbs to the rest of the world as a new cultural phenomenon. The new style of dancing was different from the old: Rock Steady added a lot of acrobatic moves. And so around 1982 breaking became even more popular. Meanwhile, another dance was catching on: it was called the Robot. People started doing the Robot as early as 1969, but the dance really took off after Michael Jackson danced the Robot while singing "Dancin' Machine" on national TV. In 1983, movies like Flashdance and Buffalo Gals which featured the Rock Steady Crew broke the scene wide open when breaking could finally be scene internationally: the world went rap dance crazy.
The nature of the dance was that it was improvised, never learned, so upon seeing these films, American kids immediately began making up their own breakdancing moves in basements across America. Michael Jackson's famous "moonwalk" and M.C.Hammer's pumped-up dance style are just improvised forms of breakdancing. Breakdancing has evolved into the dancing that is seen today in music videos and rap. Over the next few years, breakdancing became the trend. Some of the more famous crews were featured in movies, commercials and TV shows. When the Summer Olympics came to Los Angeles in 1984, the closing ceremonies featured a performance by over 100 B-Boys and B-Girls.
So, prototypically the pioneers of breakdancing were young and of a lower socioeconomic class. The majorities of these were male, and most were Black or Hispanic, and lived in dense urban areas (mostly New York). Many of them were members of street gangs. Breakdancers typically wear low pants, T-shirts and a hat tipped sideways. They also wore nylon jumpsuits which were functional as well as fashionable. The slick surface allowed the breakdancer to slide on the floor much easier than if she or he had been wearing a cotton shirt. The dance must be done in sneakers, for the dancer's safety. Breakdancing is known as an especially dangerous sport for several reasons. It is not unusual for a dancer to get something caught, stubbed or stopped while moving in air. This dance is never done on a soft surface. Breakdancing includes moving the feet sideways and onto the toes, spinning on the knees, head, hands and elbows, mock fighting moves, and pantomime.
In its early form, breakdancing was divided into three distinct forms of dancing, breaking and popping. Today, each body movement has been classified into a distinct style or genre of breaking and is similar in principle to others but characteristically different. The most basic breakdance moves are the 6-step and toprock. The rest of the dance is founded around these two elements which are the base for other more complex moves to be formed, as well as power moves. After performing these elements breakdancer will usually end the dance with a 'freeze' which is when he contorts his body to a strange position and literally freezes, stopping all dance motion. The breakdancer will usually hold the freeze for a second or two.
Breakdancers often call any dancing that takes place on the ground 'downrock' as opposed to uprock or toprock. There are some Power moves that often require incredible skill and flexibility to complete, the example of these is a headspin. There are controversies between people who emphasize on style and power moves. One puts his emphasis on power moves and their combination and the other shows their style and individuality by footwork and freeze.
Today serious battles are usually held at organized breakdance events. The battles are usually part of a tournament style competition with cash prizes, or they are featured showcase battles, where each crew is paid to dance. Today's breakdancing styles which emphasize fast-paced, fluid floor moves and freezes, different from that of two decades ago, requires more freedom of movement in the upper body, so less baggy upper wear is more common today (though pants remain baggy).
When the fashion for breakdancing decreased it the whole culture seemed trashed by the media. But today the breakin' name has been cleared and is continuing regain its reputation as a respected dance form. Nowadays many b-boys from all over the world get together on annual B-boy events and keep the culture alive and even try to take it into next level.
In 1969, when James Brown was getting down with his big hit "Get on the Good Foot" the big dance style of the day appeared. This almost acrobatic dance became rather well known around New York City: kids in New York were doing the Good Foot - better known as B-Boy(the 'B' in b-boy usually doesn't correspond to a specific word, but most likely means "Boogaloo" or "Break") - which was the direct precursor to the sort of breakdancing we know today. As for origins it was the African people's dance culture which brought the heavy rhythm and the idea of dancing in a circle, but it was definitely a variety of influences that made up early B-Boying including gymnastics, Eastern martial arts, tap dance, Salsa, Afro-Cuban and Native American dances. One of the most influential dances was a South American martial arts/fighting dance known as the Capoeira. By the time the Good Foot became the new dance style, the tradition of dance battle was well established. Dancers would gather at places like Harlem World on 116th Street in Harlem and Battle-dancewise. Battles are covered in more detail in the section on battles, challenges, and contests, but the important thing is that Breakdancing was particularly well-suited for competition and it appealed to certain young men who were very athletic. The Good Foot, which was soon to be called B-Boy and shortly after that Breakdancing, or Breaking, was very different from the Breaking we see today. In some ways it was simpler. There were no headspins, no windmill, no handglides or backspins. It was what is now called old-style Breaking. It consisted only of floor work, involved some extremely complicated leg moves done very fast and in a way it was more complex than modern Breaking. Among those for whom old-style breaking was especially popular were many of the youths and street gangs that roamed the South Bronx. And it was in those streets that Breakdancing really started. Often, the best Breakers in opposing gangs would battle dancewise instead of fighting. A breakdancing battle is when dancers 'fight' against each other on the dance floor without contact. They form a circle and take turns trying to show each other up through better style, more complex move combinations, or tougher moves. Unfortunately, these Breaking battles did not always stop fight. In fact, they often would cause a fight, since dancers would sometimes get physical when they couldn't win dancewise. Some of these crews became very dedicated to their dancing, and since they had nothing better to do, would spend hours a day practicing, developing more and more complex moves, improving their form, and increasing their speed. And then Afrika Bambaataa came along - the legendary grand master D.J. who is the individual most responsible for the successful growth of Breakdancing as he saw a great potential in it. He started one of the first Breakdance crews, the Zulu Kings that won a lot of battles and talent shows and preformed in various clubs in New York. Old-style Breaking became past when based on the hit record "Freak Out" by the Shieks around 1979 and early 1980 a new Breakdance crew was organized - Rock Steady Crew (all original members were from Zulu Nation). They became famous doing dancing in clubs thanks to Bambaataa who encouraged them. Generally, a common feature of bboy music is the presence of a break which is looped several times by the dj. These were the days when "hip-hop culture" emerged: along with DJing, these "breakbeats" laid the foundation for the two more elements - MCing and B-Boying. It became the MC's (Master of Ceremony) job to amuse, excite, and motivate the crowd to dance over the breakbeats. B-Boys were the ones who would dance or "freak out," "bust moves," and "go-off" on the dancefloor with their steps and freezes. These three elements along with graffiti art or writing are what make up the hip hop culture. In the 1980s, with the help of pop culture and MTV, breakdancing made its way from the suburbs to the rest of the world as a new cultural phenomenon. The new style of dancing was different from the old: Rock Steady added a lot of acrobatic moves. And so around 1982 breaking became even more popular. Meanwhile, another dance was catching on: it was called the Robot. People started doing the Robot as early as 1969, but the dance really took off after Michael Jackson danced the Robot while singing "Dancin' Machine" on national TV. In 1983, movies like Flashdance and Buffalo Gals which featured the Rock Steady Crew broke the scene wide open when breaking could finally be scene internationally: the world went rap dance crazy. The nature of the dance was that it was improvised, never learned, so upon seeing these films, American kids immediately began making up their own breakdancing moves in basements across America. Michael Jackson's famous "moonwalk" and M.C.Hammer's pumped-up dance style are just improvised forms of breakdancing. Breakdancing has evolved into the dancing that is seen today in music videos and rap. Over the next few years, breakdancing became the trend. Some of the more famous crews were featured in movies, commercials and TV shows. When the Summer Olympics came to Los Angeles in 1984, the closing ceremonies featured a performance by over 100 B-Boys and B-Girls. So, prototypically the pioneers of breakdancing were young and of a lower socioeconomic class. The majorities of these were male, and most were Black or Hispanic, and lived in dense urban areas (mostly New York). Many of them were members of street gangs. Breakdancers typically wear low pants, T-shirts and a hat tipped sideways. They also wore nylon jumpsuits which were functional as well as fashionable. The slick surface allowed the breakdancer to slide on the floor much easier than if she or he had been wearing a cotton shirt. The dance must be done in sneakers, for the dancer's safety. Breakdancing is known as an especially dangerous sport for several reasons. It is not unusual for a dancer to get something caught, stubbed or stopped while moving in air. This dance is never done on a soft surface. Breakdancing includes moving the feet sideways and onto the toes, spinning on the knees, head, hands and elbows, mock fighting moves, and pantomime. In its early form, breakdancing was divided into three distinct forms of dancing, breaking and popping. Today, each body movement has been classified into a distinct style or genre of breaking and is similar in principle to others but characteristically different. The most basic breakdance moves are the 6-step and toprock. The rest of the dance is founded around these two elements which are the base for other more complex moves to be formed, as well as power moves. After performing these elements breakdancer will usually end the dance with a 'freeze' which is when he contorts his body to a strange position and literally freezes, stopping all dance motion. The breakdancer will usually hold the freeze for a second or two. Breakdancers often call any dancing that takes place on the ground 'downrock' as opposed to uprock or toprock. There are some Power moves that often require incredible skill and flexibility to complete, the example of these is a headspin. There are controversies between people who emphasize on style and power moves. One puts his emphasis on power moves and their combination and the other shows their style and individuality by footwork and freeze. Today serious battles are usually held at organized breakdance events. The battles are usually part of a tournament style competition with cash prizes, or they are featured showcase battles, where each crew is paid to dance. Today's breakdancing styles which emphasize fast-paced, fluid floor moves and freezes, different from that of two decades ago, requires more freedom of movement in the upper body, so less baggy upper wear is more common today (though pants remain baggy). When the fashion for breakdancing decreased it the whole culture seemed trashed by the media. But today the breakin' name has been cleared and is continuing regain its reputation as a respected dance form. Nowadays many b-boys from all over the world get together on annual B-boy events and keep the culture alive and even try to take it into next level.
## How to play games in the Internet Arcade
The Ethiopian wolf, Africa’s only wolf species, is under threat.
The Ethiopian wolf is the rarest and most endangered canid in the world — with only about 450 individuals remaining. They are restricted to seven isolated mountain enclaves in the highlands, and the two remaining strongholds for this iconic species occur in Bale Mountains National Park and Simien Mountains National Park.
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